The Adventures of Duncan Hunter

The Adventures of Duncan Hunter

Monday, April 22, 2019

When Donald Trump and Barack Obama’s Paths Crossed or What is the Genesis for all the Trump Hatred?

Before Barack Obama oozed onto the national stage as the keynote speaker at the Democrat National Convention, Donald J. Trump was another Democrat billionaire with a television show, a jet and a helicopter, with skyscraper hotels and golf courses, and another exotic model wife. 

Before running for President, the most “famous” thing Barack Obama had done was “write” two autobiographies.  He had an unremarkable career as a lawyer, a Chicago politician, and a radical past.  How many politicians could get elected being part of a dope-smoking, cocaine-using “choom gang?”  The Apprentice star didn’t touch alcohol.  In many ways Barack Hussein Obama was the antithesis, the polar opposite of Donald John Trump. 

In 2008, Hillary Clinton secured The Donald’s endorsement: “I know Hillary and I think she'd make a great president or vice-president.”  During her campaign, Candidate Clinton questioned the legitimacy of Barack Obama’s citizenship through surrogates.  Barack Hussein Obama II was the child born in the unambiguous State of Hawaii, of a Kenyan father and an American mother. 

For over two hundred years, children across America had been taught the Bill of Rights and the Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.  The special eligibility criterion to be President was always discussed and was probably a test question during examinations: What is a “natural born citizen” under Article II of the U.S. Constitution?  Answer: When a person is born in America to American parents.

Americans with a basic understanding of the U.S. Constitution and knowledge of the autobiographical history of the Democrat President Barack Obama were baffled at how the son of a foreign national could be considered a “natural born citizen?” 

Across the nation, learned men, military men filed lawsuits to challenge the eligibility of Barack Obama to be President.  The former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania and a lifelong Democrat, Philip J. Berg, filed a lawsuit to force Barack Obama to produce a certified copy of his original birth certificate to prove that he could run for the office of President of the United States.  The DNC filed a motion to dismiss the Berg action along with the others.  The cause for dismissal always focused on “standing.”  Only those who would be materially harmed in some way to the election of the candidate possessed “standing.”  If Hillary Clinton had filed a lawsuit, she would have had standing.  Berg did not. 

McClatchy Washington Bureau Chief James Asher, the investigative editor and in charge of Africa coverage, assigned a reporter to go to Kenya, and that reporter determined that the allegations of Barack Obama being born in the country now called Kenya was false.  Media coverage was relentless and stinging.  Questions continued in large part because Republican leaders and right-leaning pundits and academics refused to stand up and make their voices heard.

In a 2009 article, Dr. Jerome Corsi, a “person of interest” who will ignominiously pop up during the Mueller investigation, asked, “Did Obama’s grandmother say he was born in Kenya?”  In 2012, Donald Trump began pushing the issue during television interviews as he considered whether to run against President Obama.  “I have some real doubts,” Trump told the “Today” show.  He claimed to have sent his own investigators to Hawaii, where Obama was born.  “I have people that actually have been studying it and they cannot believe what they're finding.”  Trump raised another issue in an interview with “Good Morning America,” suggesting Obama was trying to conceal his religion by withholding his birth certificate.  “Maybe it says he’s a Muslim,” he said. 

Donald Trump told Mother Jones magazine, “I am proud of the fact that I was able to get President Obama to release his birth certificate.  Hillary Clinton couldn’t do it, Senator McCain couldn’t do it—no one else could do it!  Frankly, many people were surprised that it took so long for this to happen.  Is his birth certificate legitimate?  I hope it is for the good of the country, but that’s for experts to determine—not me.”

Candidate Trump claimed the original “birther” was Hillary Clinton.  Clinton, at a speech in the nation’s capital, said Trump needed to apologize.  “For five years, he has led the birther movement to delegitimize our first black president,” she said. “His campaign was founded on this outrageous lie.” (Italics mine)

To the outrage of the women on theThe View,” Candidate Donald Trump sat on the sofa with Barbara Walters and Whoopi Goldberg and said, “There’s something on that birth certificate that he doesn’t like.”  Well before President Trump became a candidate, he offered millions of dollars for proof that President Obama was born in the U.S.  Trump said in 2014, “Pick your charity, for $50 million, and let me see your records!  And I never heard from him.”  President Obama’s lawyers quickly sealed all of his records immediately after his inauguration.   

Who were President Obama’s lawyers?  Dr. Orly Taitz posted on her website that President Obama “has paid more than $5 million in legal fees to national law firm Perkins Coie to keep his personal, and possibly professional, records hidden from the public.”  Who or what is Perkins Coie?

Americans have recently come to know that the law firm Perkins Coie had been retained by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee “to conduct research into allegations about Donald Trump’s connections with Russian and possible coordination between his campaign and the Kremlin.”  Marc E. Elias, a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC, retained Fusion GPS; Fusion GPS hired dossier author Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer with ties to the FBI and the American intelligence community. 

So, the law firm entrusted to seal all of President Obama’s records from Donald Trump’s millions was the same law firm at the center of the conspiracy to frame Donald Trump for Russian collusion and obstruction? 

For Barack Obama, President Donald Trump wasn’t just the pain in the ass who would not go away.  Donald Trump had more money than God and could not be intimidated, either by the media or the Democrats, with threats of losing his job or with never-ending lawsuits.  The Donald was impervious to ridicule and he was persistent.  Whatever obstacle or distraction they threw in his way, the media and the Democrats could not stop his pursuit of the truth that they so cleverly hid from the American public, that Barack Obama wasn’t the man he claimed to be, he was the son of a foreign national and that fact alone meant that he wasn’t a “natural born citizen.”  

Hillary Clinton may have been instrumental for paying to manufacture dirt on Candidate Trump but she is not the reason the DOJ and the FBI and the intelligence community marshalled forces to rid Trump from the race or office.  She had no power to tell them “to jump.”  No, the ultimate decision to use the full force of the U.S. government to “kill” Candidate and then President Trump; not by bullet or bomb but by paper—stunningly, egregiously embarrassing or felonious paper, rested with the man in the Oval Office.  Barack Obama tried everything within his power to punish Donald Trump for continually questioning his legitimacy as the 44th President. 

After his inauguration, President Obama engaged lawyers at the law firm Perkins Coie to seal all of his records, the same records Donald J. Trump offered $50M to see to delegitimize the sitting President.  This same law firm, led by Marc E. Elias, and retained Fusion GPS who hired the dossier author Christopher Steele to create a fictional history.  Perkins Coie is the same law firm that President Obama used, through government and political surrogates, to destroy the legitimacy of Donald Trump’s presidency in the eyes of his children and wife under the guise of Russian collusion and obstruction. 

The redacted Mueller report found no collusion or obstruction.  It also didn’t find that the Trump-Obama food fight has been going on for ten years.