Mark won the 2018 PenCraft Award 1st Place Winner for Children for his book AIRSHOW! and the 1st Place Winner for Fiction - Thriller - General for his novel Blown Cover
The Ruminations and Ramblings of Mark A. Hewitt, writer of Thrillers and the occasional children's book
The Adventures of Duncan Hunter
Friday, October 12, 2018
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Is Barack
Obama the Titular Leader of the Muslim Brotherhood?
Ted Cruz is the latest political figure to call on the State Department to designate the
Muslim Brotherhood
a terrorist organization. Cruz introduced Senate bill S. 68 and
said, “It’s time to call the enemy by
its name.” Earlier this year, the Trump Administration
designated some affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood as terrorist
@StateDept has
designated Ismail Haniyeh, Harakat al-Sabireen, Liwa al Thawra, and Harakat
Sawa’d Misr (HASM) as Specially Designated Global Terrorists under Section 1(b)
of Executive Order (E.O.) 13224.
17 years after the attacks of September
11, 2001, most Americans are aware of the most notorious and violent of the Islamist groups, such as ISIS and al-Qaeda. However, outside counterterrorism circles and
the Washington Beltway, it is unlikely if Americans are aware of the worldwide Muslim Brotherhood movement. And they are less likely to know how their
former President advanced the Muslim Brotherhood movement and its supremacist
agenda, here and abroad.
A specific document submitted into evidence
during America's largest terrorist prosecution in U.S. federal court, U.S.
v. Holy Land Foundation, et al, had a remarkable history.
When it was translated and published, the Muslim Brotherhood's Strategic Plan in America
was entitled: An Explanatory Memorandum: On the General Strategic Goal for
the Group in North America.
story began when the FBI’s Washington Field Office
executed a search warrant of a home in Annandale, Virginia. Within a hidden sub-basement were the archives of the Muslim Brotherhood in
North America. “Among the 80 banker-boxes worth of documents discovered there were papers
that confirmed what investigators and counterterrorism experts had long
suspected and contended about the myriad Muslim-American groups in the United States: nearly all of them
are controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood.”
The innocuous-sounding Explanatory Memorandum explained how the Muslim Brotherhood sought
to extend sharia into the United States and Canada. The document outlined “the mission of the
Muslim Brother in North America” through an undated paper entitled “Phases of the World Underground Movement Plan.”
Phase One: Phase of
discreet and secret establishment of leadership.
Congressional Black Caucus buried 2005 Obama-Farrakhan photo. In 2018, photojournalist
Askia Muhammad released a photo showing former President Barack Obama and the
Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan from Obama’s years as a state senator. Referring to the possibility at the time that
the young senator was being considered for a presidential run, Muhammad noted,
“The Minister
Farrakhan and his reputation would hurt someone trying to win acceptance in the
broad cross-section.” Noteworthy, Muhammad
also said that “Obama had people from the Nation of Islam working on his staff
and in his office in the Chicago, his Senate staff. The members of the Nation of Islam helped him
in his Senate campaign and on the South Side of Chicago.” Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz
said that he would not have campaigned for the former Senator if he had known
about the picture of Obama and Farrakhan.
One of the greatest powers the media have is their power to ignore. Media suppression works.
A WikiLeaks-released email from John Podesta (a
member of the Obama campaign’s transition team), was a bombshell. Advisers
to Obama’s presidential campaign were directed to choose Arab Muslims over Arab
Christians for the top jobs. (Emphasis mine.) This just doesn’t sound like the work of a
Phase Two: Phase of gradual
appearance on the public scene and exercising and utilizing various public
activities. Establishing a shadow
government (secret) within the Government.
When President Bush was in the White House, he
created the White
House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. The democrats and media lambasted the project
and ridiculed him unmercifully. When
President Obama came into office, he quietly directed his cabinet to
implement Muslim initiatives and outreach programs. Congress became aware of the strategic plan
when President Obama directed NASA administrator Charles Bolden that his
highest priority should be “to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and
engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about
their historic contribution to science...and math and engineering.” NASA went on a Muslim hiring spree, as did
other government agencies. Government
contracting offices insisted on companies to institute diversity hiring
programs if the company wished to do business with the government.
Sensitive and top-level government positions were
filled by Muslims with questionable loyalties to the United States. One of the FBI's former top experts on Islam
announced that President Obama's pick to head the Central Intelligence Agency,
John Brennan, converted to Islam years ago. Hillary Clinton's top campaign aide, Huma
Abedin, edited a radical Muslim publication that
blamed the U.S. for 9/11. Syed Abedin, the father of Huma,
outlined his M.B. view of sharia law and how the Western world has turned
Muslims “hostile.”
Phase Three: Escalation
phase, prior to conflict and confrontation with the rulers, through utilizing
mass media.
With the election of President Obama in November
2008 and his Muslim Outreach initiatives, exemplified by his Cairo “A New Beginnings” speech
at Al Azhar University, the Obama administration extended a formal welcome to
the Muslim Brotherhood. Investor's Business Daily noted a
lengthy chronology of events in support of the Muslim Brotherhood, punctuated by
the overthrow of the Mubarak regime in Egypt during the Arab Spring of 2011
that swept the Muslim Brotherhood into power. Obama delivered his Cairo speech, infuriating Egyptian
President Hosni Mubarak by inviting Muslim Brotherhood leaders to attend.
In 2009, the White House invited the Islamic
Society of North America (ISNA) president to President Obama's inauguration
ceremonies, even though the Justice Department just two years earlier had
blacklisted the Brotherhood affiliate as an unindicted co-conspirator in the
Holy Land trial. There were hundreds of
similar events and the leaders of the FBI and the intelligence community were
silent. They had been dispatched to
execute Muslim outreach programs and they did.
Phase Four: Open public
confrontation with government through exercising the political pressure approach.
President Barack Obama and Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton facilitated
the overthrow of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. They encouraged him to resign allowing the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood to fill the power vacuum. The 2012 presidential election saw the Muslim Brotherhood’s candidate, Mohamed Morsi, become Egypt’s first president to gain power through an
election. Just as he was supporting US
counterterrorism efforts, Muamar Gaddafi was next to lose his position to a
reinvigorated Muslim Brotherhood and he lost his life.
Phase Five: Seizing power
to establish their Islamic Nation.
The enemy camp is the United States of America,
and we are the targets of a stealthy jihad.
The Muslim Brotherhood's Strategic Plan is being implemented. Barack Obama has planted the seeds of sharia
wherever he goes. Within eight years he
enabled the Muslim Brotherhood to infiltrate the highest levels of the U.S.
government by the thousands. Infiltration
would have been total with the election of Hillary Clinton and her Muslim
Brotherhood proxy, Huma Abedin.
How did we get a Muslim in the White House? Thank the media and their complete lack of
researching and reporting on Barack Obama.
Who but a Muslim would ensure his congressional offices were staffed by
Nation of Islam members? Like the photo
of Obama and Farrakhan that is something the media knew all too well but kept
it under their kufi.
His favorite sound was the Call to Prayer. No one ever questioned his Muslim faith. There is no Christian on the planet who would ever
make the “honest mistake” of saying “…so and so has never questioned my Zoroastrian faith.” In the context of the Explanatory Memorandum,
to the men and women of the Muslim Brotherhood he was “The One they have been
waiting for.”
And it all came to a stop with the election of
President Donald J. Trump.
Is the former President the titular head of the Muslim Brotherhood? How remarkable is it when you take the strategic plan of the MB and like a puzzle piece, look all over the planet for the right one that fits and it is right there in front of you. Slightly covered up by other distracting pieces. But it is there. If not him then who?
Sunday, August 26, 2018
How Fake News made a President, how they
are trying to unmake President Trump
Donald Trump continues to be hammered over his statement that the “fake
is the “enemy of America.”
Every time the President delivers his comments at a
Trump Rally and pokes at the media as “the fake news,” the media become
incensed and counterattacks, usually by rolling out their favorite go-to media
whores, Senator Schumer or Rep Pelosi, for a sanctimonious rebuttal: “…suppression
of a free press is how ‘dictators get started.’
We need a free press.”
More recently, the President’s “fake news” comments
are considered by the media, collectively, as “dangerous,” as if SEAL Team
snipers have been ordered to the rooftops of skyscrapers to pop those network
stars who dared to criticize the President.
While the media has been generating and feeding
Americans “fake news” for decades, they truly turned “fake news” into an art
form with the 2007 elections.
Specifically, the media distorted and lied about the presidential
candidates’ eligibility for President, under Article II of the U.S.
Constitution. Both Republican and
Democrat candidates, Senators McCain and Obama.
Americans may be shocked to know that both candidates had “issues” with
their eligibility but these issues were never fully explored or investigated,
or accurately reported.
Instead of researching and reporting the facts and
circumstances regarding each candidate’s eligibility under Article II, any
discussion devolved into deflections.
Newsrooms coordinated their efforts and avoided the facts. The media created their own set of rules and
definitions. These fake news discussions
were played out on network television, by vociferous partisan panel
members. Never was an immigration
attorney consulted, never was a constitutional scholar consulted.
The media had the same access to information as the
general public. Any competent and
inquisitive journalist desiring to become a little smarter on the arcane and
Article II topic of “natural born citizen” should have found a remarkable
document, thanks to Al Gore’s amazing internet.
In her 1988 article, in the Yale Law
Journal, The Natural-Born Citizen Clause and
Presidential Eligibility: An
Approach for Resolving Two Hundred Years of Uncertainty, law
student Jill Pryor wrote, “It is well settled that ‘native-born’ citizens,
those born in the United States, qualify as natural born. It is also clear that persons born abroad of
alien parents, who later become citizens by naturalization, do not. But whether a person born abroad of American
parents, or of one American and one alien parent, qualifies as natural born has
never been resolved.”
In other words, for the 2007 election, Ms. Pryor’s article would suggest
that the U.S. Constitution was sufficiently vague in two disparate areas: whether
either John McCain, a person born abroad of American parents, or Barack Obama,
a person born of one American and one alien parent, actually qualified as a “natural
born citizen.”
The media—and the DNC—understood
the implications of Ms. Pryor’s article.
If or when tested by a federal court, there would likely be only one
favorable outcome. As plaintiff, John
McCain, would most likely succeed in his lawsuit. He should be considered “a natural born
citizen,” as his parents would have likely given birth to John in America “but for” his parents’
assignment to Panama precluded him from being born in the United States. Candidate John McCain was a “natural born
citizen” although he was born in a foreign land.
On the other hand, Ms Pryor’s article suggests that if or when
tested by a federal court, that a candidate like Barack Obama, a person born of
one American and one alien parent, would not qualify as a natural born citizen. The Supreme Court, in its due diligence,
would research and acknowledge that the Founding Fathers created this “national
rule” to prevent anyone from interpreting “natural born citizen” under common
laws rules because it eliminated the possibility of a child being born with
more than one claim of allegiance. Simply, Barack Obama, with a Kenyan father and an American
mother, was born to a parent who owed his allegiance to a foreign sovereignty, that
the child was born under two constitutions of two nations, a “dual national,”
and consequently subject to split allegiance. The court would not rule in Mr. Obama’s favor.
Senator Barack Obama’s “untested” probable
ineligibility to be President was a major problem for the Democrats and the
media. If he was to continue running for
President, the only way to help Senator Obama cross the finish line was to
ensure Senator McCain, the only person who had “standing” to bring a lawsuit, never
filed a lawsuit challenging his opponent’s eligibility. Congress proclaimed John McCain as a “natural
born citizen” under Article II of the U.S. Constitution. Congress was silent on Barack Obama’s
eligibility other than to say the U.S. Constitution is vague.
The “fake news” marshalled their forces
and asserted on television and in the print media a simple narrative, that
Senator Obama was eligible to run for President, that he was “a natural born
citizen” under Article II by virtue of being “naturally born in Hawaii.” Whoopi Goldberg on The View said so, as did numerous others, thus it must have been
It wasn’t until after the election that
private citizen, Donald Trump, did what many skeptical Americans did at the
time, he listened to the media that he was a part of and took the “fake news’” birth
certificate “birther” bait.
At some time during the Obama Administration,
Donald Trump learned that the election of Barack Obama occurred because the Republicans
and the Republican candidate had been either poorly informed or too cowardly to
take Senator Obama to court. During the presidential
primaries, Candidate Trump threatened to sue Republican candidates, Senators
Rubio and Cruz, over their questionable Article II eligibility.
This unincorporated media amalgam we
ascribe as “fake news” believes they made the election of Barack Obama possible. By keeping him out of the judicial system and
exposing his untested credentials, the “fake news” was able to carry and
maintain an offsetting message, that questioning the eligibility of Barack
Obama made one a vile racist. This
tactic worked well.
Now they believe they can unmake the
election of President Trump. The
strategies the “fake news” perfected during the Obama campaign are being used by
the media and the FBI to disqualify and remove President Trump by impeachment. The bogus FBI-generated dossier is more “fake news.”
I am
reminded of the oath I took as an officer in the Marine Corps. The important part: I do solemnly swear that
I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Who defines, “…enemies, foreign and
domestic?” “Fake news” redefined the
term “natural born citizen” to suit their means and political goals. It wasn’t the U.S. Supreme Court that debated
and defined the constitutional term.
It seems to me that when the
free press “takes sides” and operates out of their charter as “the free press” and
becomes “the fake news” by manufacturing lies and bogus documents, and actively
conspiring with an opposition party to facilitate the overthrow of a duly
elected President, the totality of their actions should to be reconsidered. The Fourth Estate is not only engaged in
partisan Fifth Column activities as an extension of the deep state’s
intelligence community. But the media
has sent their version of SEAL Team Six into battle, to work clandestinely to politically
assassinate their enemies. Death by a
thousand cuts. The “fake news” is the
Sixth Column—what we are witnessing is they are the resistance. They
function as the French Resistance
functioned, cells were small groups
of men and women who, in addition to their guerrilla warfare activities, were also publishers of underground
The “fake news” views their work as fighting their enemy. The media declared war on President
Trump. The “fake news” is the enemy of America.
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Monday, June 4, 2018
I've shut down my facebook page. For those of you who received the notification, "Welcome to Special Access." Here you can find information on my novels, children's books, and articles from American Thinker as well as other things that readers with Special Access can find (maybe) nowhere else. Such as:
My fifth novel, "Wet Works," the manuscript has been sent to the Publication Review Board. Hopefully it will be returned within a month or two without redactions.
More to follow!
My fifth novel, "Wet Works," the manuscript has been sent to the Publication Review Board. Hopefully it will be returned within a month or two without redactions.
Wet Work is a euphemism for murder or
assassination, alluding to the "spilling of blood." These government operations are reputed to have been
handled at the KGB by Spetsbureau 13, colorfully known as the "Department of Wet
Affairs" or simply the "13th Directorate."
The Russian expression "wet job"can be traced to at least the 19th century
from Russian criminal slang and originally meant robbery that involved murder,
i.e., spilling blood.
More to follow!
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